All Basic Linux Commands For DevOps.

All Basic Linux Commands For DevOps.

  1. pwd--> Print current working directory.

  2. ls--> List files in the current directory.

  3. cd--> change directory.

  4. mkdir--> Create a new directory.

  5. touch--> Create an empty file

  6. cp--> Copy files or directory.

  7. mv--> Move or rename files or directories.

  8. cat--> Display the content of a file.

  9. man--> Display the manual for a commands.

  10. echo--> Print text to the terminal.

  11. chmod--> Change the permissions.

  12. chown--> Change file ownership.

  13. ps--> Display currently running processes.

  14. kill--> Terminate a process.

  15. grep--> Search for a pattern in files.

  16. find--> Search for files and directories.

  17. tar--> Create or extract tar archives.

  18. gzip--> Compress or decompress files.

  19. df--> Display disk space usage.

  20. du--> Display file and directory space usage.

  21. ifconfig--> Display network interface information.

  22. ping--> Tast network connectivity.

  23. ssh--> Connect to a remote server ( secured shell )

  24. scp--> Copy file over SSH ( secured copy shell )

  25. wget--> Download files from the internet.

  26. top--> Display real-time system statistice.

  27. history--> Display commands history.

  28. nano--> Simple text editor.

  29. clear--> Clear the terminal screen.

  30. df--> Display disk space usage.

  31. date--> Display or set the system date and time.

  32. cal--> Display a calendar.

  33. uname--> Display system information.

  34. head--> Display the beginning of a file.

  35. tail--> Display the end of a file.

  36. wc--> Count lines, words, and characters in a file.

  37. sort--> Sort lines of text files.

  38. whoami--> Display the current username.

  39. pwd--> Print current working directory.

  40. file--> Determine file type.

  41. alias--> Create commands history.

  42. uptime--> Display system uptime.

  43. ls -l--> List files with detailed information.

  44. mkdir -p--> Create Parent directory as nested.

  45. rmdir--> Remove an empty directory.

  46. passwd--> Change user password.

  47. reboot--> Reboot the system.

  48. ls option_flag arguments --> list the sub directories and files avaiable in the present directory

  49. ls -a --> list all including hidden files and directory

  50. ls *.sh --> list all the files having .sh extension.

  51. ls -i --> list the files and directories with index numbers inodes

  52. ls -d */ --> list only directories.(we can also specify a pattern)

  53. cd path_to_directory --> change directory to the provided path

  54. cd ~ or just cd --> change directory to the home directory

  55. cd - --> Go to the last working directory.

  56. cd .. --> change directory to one step back.

  57. cd ../.. --> Change directory to 2 levels back.

  58. mkdir directoryName --> to make a directory in a specific location.

Happy Learning:)

Ujawal Tiwari